VARD Vision is free from poverty and hunger, deprivation and marginalization, free from road Accident, Justice for women, self reliant and vibrant rural economy, ensure safe portable water in all village, gender equity and social equality, Empowered Society especially of the weaker sections, capable of self governance and Promote vocational Training programme for self employment and wise use of our natural resources towards global environment in a sustainable manner and protect the earth for future.
The mission of VARD is to assemble and share knowledge about alternative source of livelihood in a systematically approach in order to improve quality education, health, agriculture, gender equity, human rights, economic development, Revitalizing rural communities,Promoting inclusive, harmonious sustainable development, Creating and sharing appropriate knowledge and enable individual and collective advancement in development research and study of complex environment and social issues facing society today throughout the world.
We concludes with a motto to free from poverty and hunger, deprivation and marginalization, free from road Accident, Justice for woman, self reliance and vibrant economy, ensure safe portable water in all village, genderequity and social equality, Empowered society especially of the weaker section, capable of self governance and promote vocational training programme for self empowerment and wise use of our natural resources towards global environment in a sustainable manner and protect the earth for future.
These are the following strategies of Voluntary Association for Rural Development (VARD):-